Wednesday 16 December 2015

Thursday 3 September 2015

"TV is an eraser" Kurt Vonnegut Jr

Wednesday 21 January 2015

"It (consciousness) is not the directing agent, but an organ of the directing agent." Nietzsche

Thursday 4 December 2014

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Thursday 13 November 2014

"………..we lack all knowledge of the unconscious psyche and pursue the cult of consciousness to the exclusion of all else. Our true religion is a monotheism of consciousness, a possession by it, coupled with a fanatical denial of the existence of fragmentary autonomous systems. But we differ from the Buddhist yoga doctrines in that we even deny that these systems are experienceable. This entails a great psychic danger, because the autonomous systems then behave like any other repressed contents: they necessarily induce wrong attitudes since the repressed material reappears in consciousness in spurious form. This is strikingly evident in every case of neurosis and also holds true for the collective psychic phenomena. Our time has committed a fatal error; we believe we can criticize the facts of religion intellectually. Like Laplace, we think God is a hypothesis that can be subject to intellectual treatment, to be affirmed or denied. We completely forget that the reason mankind believes in the “daemon” has nothing whatever to do with external factors, but is simply due to a naïve awareness of the tremendous inner effect of autonomous fragmentary systems. This effect is not abolished by criticizing it – or rather, the name we have given it – or by describing the name as false. The effect is collectively present all the time; the autonomous systems are always at work, for the fundamental structure of the unconscious is not affected by the deviations of our ephemeral consciousness.

If we deny the existence of the autonomous systems, imagining that we have got rid of them by a mere critique of the name, then the effect which they still continue to exert can no longer be understood, nor can they be assimilated to consciousness. They become an inexplicable source of disturbance which we finally assume must exist somewhere outside ourselves. The resultant projection creates a dangerous situation in that the disturbing effects are now attributed to a wicked will outside ourselves, which is naturally not to be found anywhere but with our neighbour de l’autre cote de la riviere(on the other side of the river). This leads to collective delusions, “incidents,” revolutions, war – in a word, to destructive mass psychoses." C.G.Jung

Thursday 6 November 2014

Monday 4 August 2014

“The quaternity is an archetype of almost universal occurrence. It forms the logical basis for any whole judgment______________
there are four aspects of psychological orientation, beyond which nothing fundamental remains to be said. In order to orient ourselves, we must have a function which ascertains that something is there (sensation); a second function which establishes what it is (thinking); a third function which states whether it suits us or not, whether we wish to accept it or not (feeling); and a fourth function which indicates where it came from and where it is going (intuition)____________the fourfold aspect is the minimum requirement for a complete judgement. The idea of completeness is the circle or sphere, but its natural minimal division is a quaternity”. C.G.Jung

Monday 21 July 2014

Thursday 22 May 2014

Thursday 1 May 2014