Friday 30 July 2010

Wednesday 14 July 2010

"The singularity is just another horizon

This wet flesh cage of immediate survival,
the last fantasy to be erased from our vision of reality".

Friday 9 July 2010

Thursday 8 July 2010

– the universe reached into itself and pulled out and folded itself to create a system of recursive learning and storage within itself, all life is the gathering of not survival energy, but information energy, life gathers information on the very nature of this complex energetic recursive self referential system.

Thursday 1 July 2010


"The gene is a basic unit of information collection, storage and transmittance. You are a basic unit of information collection, storage and transmittance, just one stem of distillation and imaginary self upon the stalk of a vast multi-dimensional information structure.
You are a storage vessel for the information obtained by the complex energy signatures which comprise your mass (cumulative aggregate structure of simpler energy signatures) a cask of sub-atomic learning, a codex of universal information storage – the universe wants to learn of its own nature, you are the mechanism for its learning and temporal storage device for what it learns. You are its eyes and fingers of observation and deconstruction.
Your procreation is a trial and error system of experiments for the Universe's education of itself; you are what works and what does not work with the evolution of energy complexity within a closed system.
You are the experiment and the tool of the experimenter, the voice and the recording.
You are an information filtration mechanism.
You are the observer and the observed.
You are not self. There is no “I”.
You are the scalpel and the microscope, the opposable thumb.
You are information gathering mechanism."

participation mystique