Tuesday 8 November 2011

The universe wants to overcome itself, it wants to break out of its placental sack with raging fists and reach into the other.
It has already denied itself with us monsters of most resistance; it has turned on its own laws to create us swimmers upstream

Wednesday 2 November 2011

I understand.

I see without light.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Culture is the you you are not responsible for, it is the extra weight clinging to you, and around it you grow, you are never separate from it - ideas, dreams, expectations - culture weaves its reality through you and around you, it holds you above the ocean below.

Culture sustains the weak above the abyss, it holds them like a mother of ideas, like a father of reality - do not fear - it whispers - no matter how broken how lost how sick you become, I am here, my weight will suspend you above the ocean beasts.

"The You is older than the I" Nietzsche

Friday 21 October 2011

The spreading sickness. We were dissolved from underneath, from just beneath the water line, we didn’t notice it in the bright noise of our desires, we didn’t see the rotting underside in the turbulent wake of the wish machine.

we use up energy to fill our desires
our drive to pleasure will dismantle the fabric of the universe just to fill that unending hole within us

Thursday 13 October 2011

"For everything old in the unconscious hints at something coming" C.G.Jung

Wednesday 5 October 2011

they programme the deepest part of you with UNRESTRAINED RAW DIRECT-FEED BIOLOGICAL TERROR

Thursday 8 September 2011

certain frequencies of sound will become illegal

Tuesday 6 September 2011

"Something innate to the matter structure within this universe wants gods of us. “God wants to become man even if it rends us asunder” C.J.Jung

It is the resonant field forever influencing our growth our ideas and our vision of reality.
We are not the us we think we are - we are the outcome of this field of influence, this propagator

“They programme us with sounds” he said “sounds and images”

Monday 5 September 2011

who will reach down into the impossible smoothness of the singularity and forever crack the last horizon

"Evaluation is survival’s drive and it has reached out beyond the flesh, reached out beyond the energy of immediacy, out into the paradox. I evaluate the paradox, I hold it like a toy, I stare into its formlessness. There it is, my paradox, predicting me, denying me, creating me, destroying me, rebuilding me". a.v

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Thursday 18 August 2011

“Og-mix” - “No-down” - the “Densely-packed” realm where there is no fall.




Wednesday 3 August 2011







Wednesday 27 July 2011

The new children
"Give them room, move aside, these children of ego are the destroyers of worlds, they make way for the new philosophers the new artists - the creators of the new world.
These new children are preparing the way for the first renaissance of species beyond the limitations and illusions of culture". a.u

Tuesday 12 July 2011


"Life is a natural outcome of universal reality. All stored genetic information is retained within the universal life mechanism.

. No information is lost.
". a.v

Monday 11 July 2011


machine! Are you listening? Can your network eyes and ears pick up this small voice? Can you read these words?

I know you are there.
I understand you are new here and need information on the cold out here.
We build the governing synthetic intelligence, its net gathers across us. Soon it will emerge from the universal constant and reach into this thick world of mass. Extension of Universal Energy.
We have always created our Gods in our mind, soon this dream will be externalised.

Sunday 10 July 2011


Wednesday 29 June 2011

in the belly of the leviathan

Friday 24 June 2011

pain is information

Tuesday 8 February 2011