Thursday 8 September 2011

certain frequencies of sound will become illegal

Tuesday 6 September 2011

"Something innate to the matter structure within this universe wants gods of us. “God wants to become man even if it rends us asunder” C.J.Jung

It is the resonant field forever influencing our growth our ideas and our vision of reality.
We are not the us we think we are - we are the outcome of this field of influence, this propagator

“They programme us with sounds” he said “sounds and images”

Monday 5 September 2011

who will reach down into the impossible smoothness of the singularity and forever crack the last horizon

"Evaluation is survival’s drive and it has reached out beyond the flesh, reached out beyond the energy of immediacy, out into the paradox. I evaluate the paradox, I hold it like a toy, I stare into its formlessness. There it is, my paradox, predicting me, denying me, creating me, destroying me, rebuilding me". a.v