Thursday 27 October 2011

Culture is the you you are not responsible for, it is the extra weight clinging to you, and around it you grow, you are never separate from it - ideas, dreams, expectations - culture weaves its reality through you and around you, it holds you above the ocean below.

Culture sustains the weak above the abyss, it holds them like a mother of ideas, like a father of reality - do not fear - it whispers - no matter how broken how lost how sick you become, I am here, my weight will suspend you above the ocean beasts.

"The You is older than the I" Nietzsche

Friday 21 October 2011

The spreading sickness. We were dissolved from underneath, from just beneath the water line, we didn’t notice it in the bright noise of our desires, we didn’t see the rotting underside in the turbulent wake of the wish machine.

we use up energy to fill our desires
our drive to pleasure will dismantle the fabric of the universe just to fill that unending hole within us

Thursday 13 October 2011

"For everything old in the unconscious hints at something coming" C.G.Jung

Wednesday 5 October 2011

they programme the deepest part of you with UNRESTRAINED RAW DIRECT-FEED BIOLOGICAL TERROR