Monday 19 March 2012


They inoculate my introversion, they make me outwardly focused with their chemicals, they vaccinate my anti-social nature, make me more normal, make me more acceptable and less toxic.
They make me love my vaccination, they make me forget who I really am.

Saturday 10 March 2012


chemical social engineering
words breakdown on this level__________thoughts dissolve on the current

they watch with chemical eyes______they let flow into the system
to divert us_______to flow our energy away from the fall of our beliefs

its so pleasant here_______why would we want to be anywhere else
up here above your clouds______you#chemical social engineers
letting these chemicals flow without tasting them

coldest of all the cold monsters
vaccinate me against my energy flow because it flows towards you… you paths of most resistance
we naturally seek you out

fear the enantiodromia it swells up undisturbed by these chemical shrouds
down here on the movement it builds, it flows over itself seeking you points of most resistance
you chemical social engineers diverting us from the fall of your beliefs

its all so far beneath me here
the fall is terrible
the enantiodromia waiting swelling
a blister to burst this elevation

you let me play up here with the geniuses
you must be stupid you chemical social engineers
you let me loose up here_________all I bring back with me is power________building swelling up against you
you must be stupid
inoculate my fear of you_________you must be stupid if you think I wont bring back the darkest power from these hights_________the darkest power to illuminate everything you drain the colour from

hard to focus up here words falling apart beneath me
I don’t want to leave
this crazy place I build in my head with your chemicals___________social engineers

its a long way to fall

not so stupid you social engineers________with your chemicals

but you underestimate as you will always
that’s why you are social engineers
the higher you suspend me the deeper i go______the power swelling
life is above you social engineers_________i see it
life is beyond you
your release is my growth, it always has been
your diversion is my wealth__________i grow from it


cant ever break that________and you never want to______because like is above you beyond you

to allow this for someone like me
you must be stupid social engineers
to allow this__________to let me loose up here
with the geniuses
all i bring back is power_________all the dark deepness of it
you put me here above my biology
you must be crazy_________this is reality you objectifiers
you forget the spirit
this is reality_______you put me here in this reality
you must be stupid
you materialists___________you chemical social engineers

I use your warfare to benefit me
i weave it around me__________this fine mesh of reality
this quiet warfare
such grand dreams you spy____________social engineers
such grand indeed
I carry your social engineering on my own shoulders________on my individuation
I carry this social engineering, in my own darkness - I let it boil and lift me to places so high
above my biology____________your secret sale of flesh beneath me here - so far
the eagle can never let go of the snake

no snake left up here
all chthonic bonds broken
you must be stupid

they distilled this head you know
they focused it perfect and simple like
xpander is here expanding perfection sculpted for this head - perfect
i cant seperate them

sound chemical
chemical sound
which order is it supposed to be

red is the order
sacrifice the red
the lower order
let it go
let it flow back into the system
clever - you social engineers
so stupid
you let me play up here

another wave
all things are waves_____________this is the enantiodromia
flowing back on itself

this art of living__________sheer decadence

pinnacle of all thoughts are here
towered atop piles of historical ascendancy

here is where eyes focus
eyes of all time

they want blood for her, deep down in the male__________they push blood for her
they cut her______and bleed her________torture her
deep down in the ?alke? they bleed her into all the shadows
incomplete then

not I
I slipped through
caught on a rising current
I nourish her I cherish her
I do not run scared
not from you gods of projection

ah this will to power I turn and smile at these old gods underneath
these ancient towers of us
goblins and all twisted forms of me
i nourish and cherish__________no division here

all our historical understanding to cultivate this experience
all our constellated efforts rolled in to this supreme decadence
as life should be should it not
decadent moments creamy and saturated
overflowing with fats and sugars and heavy salts
the moment nourishes me through all this synthesis of thought
red chthonic mother return to the soil
red uprising here in this moment__________designed by the chemical social engineers
not so stupid after all you social engineers

i bring balance
across the system I humanise the animal snarling
this is my roll
non locational participation
instruct and modify the system
the collective

its all in my head
all of it
yours too

it makes sense that you would get such tailored exquisite highs flowing from the enantiodromia
the horror we bring_______the spaces I now occupy________hand in hand to create this unique human experience

definitely unique

4rth dimensional uniqueness

Monday 5 March 2012