Wednesday 26 September 2012

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Monday 24 September 2012

“If there were no imperfections, no primordial defect in the ground of creation, why should there be any urge to create, any longing for what must yet be fulfilled?” C.G.Jung

Tuesday 18 September 2012

inside__underneath the flesh______there is a flow___ a line reaching outwards___ an instance of uniqueness______ and it follows a predetermined direction.

It drags us outside and wraps us around things, this outside feeder.

Its mouth tasting and its hollow teeth leeching___ bringing back inside those outside objects forever lost to that thing dwelling underneath the flesh.

We rage at these external things.
Rage: the fire of removal that follows its own line outside to engulf…….whatever it requires. To engulf and render the object less powerful than “I”.

Power remover.
Power drives to domination, power flows, it always flows. How can it not flow: all this________all this is movement.

I watch the new seeds of us splash into the world fully armed with our anger and our frustration and our will________oh the will rages right from the start of us.
As new things we burst forth as raging will, will to exploitation.
I watch that beast inside as it flames against the shining eyes of children, ready to devour all objects and make them theirs.

These currents from underneath.
These tides flowing upwards____ their wavelengths spanning aions.
Outside of us are these movements inside. What? The majority of us is outside of us.

This flow from underneath the flesh, it is a rage and an anger. Life rages against the environment, this is how it learns__so it seems______ how pliable?___________
how malleable are these objects?____ will they succumb to me?

“son of the morning” shining brightly from inside, guiding us along hazardous straights towards pacification______pacification of what? Of life. We are here to remove its teeth. Remove our teeth and grab on to the reigns of this mechanism and guide it.

We the toolmakers soon to have the tools of life held between our fingers.

What design will we implement upon us with these hands of rage?

We are to grasp the essence of this living mechanism before we tame this beast inside.

What horrors will we unleash from the depths of our unknown selves? Before the taming of us.

We will dream up quantum manipulations to sedate us and make us who we want to be____ but underneath________the us we refute will grow. It will feed off those moments in between, inflating____ gathering all the energy we misplace.

The tool will become god and we will be held between the fantasy of its superiority and the archaic unknown master of us.

Then a syzygy between the tool and ourselves.

The tool is our ideas made flesh___ our ideas brought outside into the world and constructed using the world____soon the tool will return inside and the hieros gamos will reveal itself and we will cry “I am alive for evermore”.