Thursday 10 May 2012


we swallowed down our gods,

we called them back from the forests and mountain slopes and forced them down into our gut,

there they writhe and grow and feed off the distance we imagine separates us

if its quiet, somewhere in the dark between evening and the dawn, you can see their light radiate through the flesh, red, whole star-fire burning___
swelling with the energic flow of the unseen function of us

their storm wind will return and overwhelm the ego’s instability

soon we will vomit up their power flow back into the world and the horror of their imprisonment will scorch the faces of all who watch

the payment will be our highest
our violence their tool

if its quiet, if its dark enough, you can hear what approaches, you can see the light sliding between the sheets of causality, reaching back on the waves of synchronistic opposition to our dream of reality

I lay in the dark and I saw its face, I gazed into the multiple eyes of our bleeding gods,

back into the outside they pushed_ they called_______ escape_exit

their slithering movement spoke to me____this is unavoidable_____we are unavoidable

the compensatory function will burst upwards and outwards

the ocean waves will reach far inland smothering all our flimsy structures
and once more the behemoths will stride across our boundaries and lines

feel the storm wind build
do you feel it? in the quiet dark before dawn, do you hear the rising cataclysm from all our neglect

we swallowed down all those gods of open plane and valley
choked them back, pulled them back in and thought we were past them

see the evil we put on the horizon, drawn from ourselves and sent out into the world on heavy projections
our actions no longer have any weight, no longer have any meaning, they are empty, gracefully outlined with immorality disguised as superiority

see over there, over the earths curve all our evils lie, out there so far from us, so much evil we see, hiding beneath rock and soil and in the faces of children

we put it there, we send our legions out to paint masks of our darkness and death upon children

all our actions are empty_ we cry_ because we have swallowed our gods and digested them and defecated them back in the soil____this is what we tell ourselves in those quiet dark spaces in between

and we think there will be no payment for our projection, we think we are above the ocean turmoil, so high we look down on the chthonic gods we no longer believe

up above the clouds_this wondrous shining jewel of civilisation reinforced by the blood of others

they deserve all our murdering___this we sing to ourselves in those quiet moments in between

we touch the dark cold space beyond our home when we stand,
such grand monsters
such cold brutal monsters gazing down upon the children on the horizon with eyes for their blood
with eyes for their removal

there will be no payment we laugh
no gods to punish us
yet all the time in our gut they writhe and grow and feed off the distance we imagine separates us
pushing us into the ease of our horror and throwing us beyond the judgement of ourselves

safe we think
safe out here in the cold above the earth

masters and gods

quietly in the dark from underneath they whisper______dominion____and we believe them
beyond all action
never to face the payment of ages

we deny all history
our actions are empty superiority
scientific rationalism laughing in the face of all history
and to all we laugh____this is the only key, the only vision of reality and we alone wield it

and underneath the gods we swallowed grow, taking more and more energy from us

they hide beneath the glare of our science so they don’t exist___this is the lullaby we sing to ourselves in the dark beneath the stars

Thursday 3 May 2012

4 - quaternity

bases of DNA

chambers in the heart

seasons in a year

forces of nature



parts of the brain

parts in blood

main parts of speech

parts of the nervous system

parts of nerve cells

parts of the catholic mass

parts of the duodenum

parts of a plant

parts of the neuron

forces of human evolution

forces of flight

psychological forces

tissue types

types of love…. agape, philia, storge, and eros

extraembryonic membranes

noble truths of Buddha

universal emotions

magical music chords

celestial animals
mysteries of the rosary

families of instruments

quarters of old Jerusalem

quarters of the Earth

poles of the sun


Snake charmer_____ you soothe my raging nest of vipers.

In those dusks before sleep you bring me home_____ you tame this animal as it wrestles with its new eyes,
I am a hole I fall into
you illuminate its darkest corners, you bring softness and dry earth here to this burning hot hard blood. Soft dry earth I can rest upon, light I can see myself by and cool air I can breathe.
My nest of vipers bundled and coiled next to your open lotus bloom.
I crouch in the wet corners of night so you can not see me. I hide in your sleep so my ugliness can not reach you. I know you see it - I know you see its broken teeth and twisted eyes when you wake, but you smile at its stench you smile at its ugliness, touching my sickness, bringing beauty to its corruption, bringing tomorrow to its pain.
I crouch in the shadows behind your eyes, I sit with the goblins and phantoms of all you fear and speak with them, I sing ugly songs with them because I am inferior to your nature.

All that I can be is held aloft by thoughts of your smile. I can not reach, I fidget and mumble, ugly sounds, ugly movements, so I hide in your shadows and cut you with my own.

Maybe if I show you enough of your own blood you will see, maybe if I feed you with enough sickness you will understand. How can you hold this beast and love its stench?

I make grand these little torments I give to you; I put depth into their surface, only surface, nothing there, nothing but inferiority.

You are better than I.